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French Dual Language Immersion School

February 21, 2024 – Minutes

SCC Minutes 2-21-24

Oak Hollow Elementary School School Community Council (SCC)


Location: Oak Hollow Elementary Media Center

Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Time: 4:00-5:00 PM

meet.google.com/xpb-uirq-dpi Meeting ID meet.google.com/xpb-uirq-dpi

Phone Numbers

(US) +1 346-702-3878

PIN: 851 990 314# 2024



Member Name:

Shayla Streiff (Chair) shaylacraig2001@yahoo.com

Nikki Burke (Parent) nikkiburke23@yahoo.com

Andrea Pranic (Parent) A.Verkic@gmail.com

Ashleigh Spencer (Parent) ashleigh.hspencer@gmail.com

Maria Babin (Teacher) Maria.babin@canyonsdistrict.org

Tera Powell (Teacher – maternity leave) Teralyn.powell@canyonsdistrict.org

Suzanne Quick (Teacher) Suzanne.quick@canyonsdistrict.org

Julie Mootz (Principal) Julie.mootz@canyonsdistrict.org


a) Approval of minutes from previous meeting
Shayla Streiff opened the meeting and called for vote of the minutes from January. Suzanne Quick approved and Ashleigh Spencer seconded the motion. Minutes approved.

b) Principal updated the committee on attendance, both perfect attendance and
progress towards our goal. After second quarter, Oak Hollow has 52% of students have
perfect attendance each month. After second quarter 68% of students are On-Track for
attendance. Our year end goal is 60% of students being On Track. We also saw a
decrease in the number of students with severe attendance from first quarter. Each
month, students will continue to receive a certificate and a Brag Tag for perfect
attendance for that month.

c) Mid-year progress report on our goals
Social- emotional goal has been met. All teachers taught a THRIVE unit in the fall.
Teachers provided feedback to the district for full implementation next year.
Principal shared data on the importance of the school counselor. School funds .5 FTE for
a school counselor and the district funds the other half.
Since we have had a counselor, our major referrals have decreased. Since our counselor
started teacher Anti-Bullying lessons (pbis.org), our majors have decreased 36%.
Principal and teachers support a full-time counselor and want to continue funding this
position. In addition, the school would like to fund an attendance aide to work with the
counselor next year. (See goals for next year.)

ELA goal– In January, 61% of students at Oak Hollow showed typical or above typical
growth on Acadience reading according to the Pathways of Progress. Our year end
goal is 77% and we feel we are making good progress. The teachers had a Data-day to
analyze the progress of each student in their class and a plan to meet our goal by May.

Math goal- In January 69% of students at Oak Hollow showed typical or above typical
growth on Acadience math according to the Pathways of Progress. Students in grades
one and four made 79% growth and surpassed the year end goal of 77%.

d) Preliminary report on Landtrust/TSSP goals for next year.
Principal shared proposed goals and budget expenditures for landtrust/TSSP for 24-25 school year. Principal has input from the BLT (Building Leadership Team). Each member of the BLT is getting feedback from their grade level team and will share this at a planning meeting on March 5th.

Landtrust: funding will be ~$83,307 plus any carryover.
State mandated early literacy goal (K-2). Our ELA goal will be supported with Landtrust funds.
We will have both a growth goal and individual grade level goals based on need.
We will determine those goals on March 5th based on data.

  • Proposed to fund seven MTSS aides to work as reading interventionist or classroom support.
  • The remainder of the funding will be used to support reading.
    TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan): funding will be ~$98,548 plus carryover. We will determine math goals at our school planning meeting on March 5th . We will have an Anti-Bully goal to support the state the behavior goal.
  • Proposed to fund Grace Dearborn professional development with four other Canyons’ schools. The topic will be “Engagement in the Classroom.”
  • Proposed purchase of the Text for the professional development for all teachers and Brain Booster techs.
  • Proposed to fund Dreambox- an individualized math software.
  • Proposed to fund .5 FTE for school counselor.
  • Proposed to fund substitutes for teachers to have two days to examine student data after each benchmark assessment.
  • Proposed to hire an aide as an attendance/ check in check out to support counselor.
  • Proposed to hire an aide as a math interventionist.
  • Proposed to hire three aides as classroom support for larger classes. There was some discussion on each. SCC approves of the professional development, the counselor, the aides, the substitutes and Dreambox. There was discussion on Dreambox if it is used in the class. Some teachers use this during math small group instruction. Some teachers liked having Dreambox used as a pull out for math intervention. SCC was fully supportive of the action plans. After BLT planning day, we will send our proposed goals and budget plan to the SCC, so we can vote on this at our March 20th meeting.

e) Cell tower- new expense approvals

  • Proposed to use cell tower funds to send three French teachers to the DLI conference in April. The district will pay for two teachers.
  • Proposed to use cell tower funds to pay for substitutes for Spring conferences for non-DLI teachers. These classes have 33 students, and the teachers need extra days for conferences.
  • Proposed to fund a one-to-one aide for special education student in kindergarten. The special education team was expecting this student to receive a different placement at the IEP, but the district declined. Until the principal can submit a “Critical Needs Aide” packet to the district, we would like to use cell tower for an aide for this student. Everyone was in favor of these proposals. Ashleigh proposed a motion in favor of these budget items and Shayla Steiff seconded the motion.
  • Meeting adjourned at 5:00pm


a) Meeting Schedule
4:00-5:00 PM Oak Hollow Media Center

Wednesday, March 20th 2024

Wednesday, April 24th 2024

Wednesday, May 15th 2024

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