884 E.14400 South, Draper, UT 84020

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French Dual Language Immersion School

January 19, 2023 – Minutes

Oak Hollow Elementary

School Community Council Meeting

January 19, 2023

Virtual meeting


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Members present: Cher Tucker, Natalie Lane, Jason Vaughn, Tricia Bourn, Shayla Streiff, Tera Powell, Maria Babin, Suzanne Quick, Sandy Bodily & Julie Mootz




1.Meet in February to discuss our progress towards goals

• Acadience testing occurs on Jan 19 & 26• Teachers will meet to check % of students who made progress and set an aim line for the rest of the year for each student.• There was a discussion of Benchmark proficiency vs. growth.  Many of our students meet benchmark in reading and math in the fall but we need to ensure they are growing. 5thgrade has 80% of students meeting benchmark in reading in the fall. A growth model ensures that all students show growth no matter where their proficiency is. • Our school made an A rating based on outstanding growth. Our academic performance on Rise was typical but our growth was exemplary. As a school, our goals will be growth goals in reading and math until we reach 80% of all students making typical or above growth.

2. Current Budgets and plans

• Received full refund from MyOn ($3978) Monies will be used to purchase more books for teachers that align with Wonders and will be kept in the library.• Question on SORA and how to access this at home.• Landtrust= $40,045 (on track to spend entire budget by May 2023)• Discussion on Lexia. It is used in skill-based groups in grades 1-3. We have Lexia from a state grant. Lexia is to help students reading and is individualized to the student. Parents wondered if we could get it for grades 4 & 5 • TSSP= $59,262 (on track to spend most of this budget with 20% carryover)

4. Discuss  Landtrust plan for 2022-2023-

• Attached is our plan this year and how the monies have been spent.• I have met with teachers and discussed our plan for next year. I made notes where we would like to focus funding for next year.• We will bring a draft plan to our next meeting for discussion.• As a school, we would like to focus on reading and math only until we reach 80% of all students make typical or above growth.

We finalize the plan in March. Let’s plan on meeting in Feb for any further discussion on the Landtrust/TSSP plan


5. Questions

Upcoming Landtrust plan for 2023-2024


Next meeting: February 23 2023 at 4:15pm

Last meeting March 16, 2023

Finalize plan and look to next year.

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