884 East 14400 S., Draper, UT 84020

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French Dual Language Immersion School

March 16, 2023 – Minutes

Oak Hollow Elementary

School Community Council Meeting

March 16, 2023

​4:15 – 5:15 PM​

Members present:

Julie Mootz

Cher Tucker

Natalie Lane

Shayla Streiff

Trisha Bourn

Tera Powell

Suzanne Quick

Jalaine Hawks

Maria Babin

Secretary: Sandy Bodily


Shared exciting news from District

Our scores in K-3 scores are above the district average and have improved since last year.  Our first grade had the 5th highest score in the district.

As a school we are in top 1/3 for growth.

• Talked about looking into what the other 9 schools are doing that are higher.• Want to know how they are getting higher growth.• Doing better this year than last year.

K-3 Early Literacy Initiative for teachers: Science of Reading for all kindergarten through 3rd grade teachers. Intense training of 8 units for two years. Teachers are receiving training and have application checks along the way.

Review the TSSP/Landtrust by reviewing the action plan for each:
Action Plan for ELA TSP 2023-2024

*Goal by spring 2024, 77% of all students will show typical or above growth on the Pathways to Progress report in Acadience.

• All reading interventionists will be trained on the reading intervention program 95%.• Purchase extra materials to replace used copies. ($2000)• All students will be benchmarked using Acadience ELA assessment 3x during the year. ​• Students well below benchmark will be targeted for tier two reading instruction with trained interventionist ($72,000)• Hire progress monitoring aides for our Dual Immersion English teachers. They have twice the number of students to progress monitor than the non-dual classes for reading. ($6881)• Time provided at monthly data PLC for teachers to examine students’ progress on the Pathway of Progress for each child. Teachers will also examine the monthly progress monitoring dataof each child to ensure that instruction and any interventions are helping the student progress.


Total $80,881


Are the interventionists retrained every year. Yes and receive training throughout the year by the school coach.

The subs for Data days will be paid by TSSP since teachers will set the Pathway to Progress for both math and reading during that day.

Teachers were thankful for the progress monitoring support for dual immersion.

All agree to ELA action plan


Action Plan for Math TSSP 2023-2024

Goal: by spring 2024, 77% of all students will show typical or above growth on the pathways of Progress report for math in Acadience

Teachers, coach & Brain Booster Technicians will be trained in August 2023 on “Conscious Classroom Management”.

• Trainer to train teacher on strategies that engage all students and especially neurodiverse students.• Strategies for teachers to use in all subject areas.• Trainer costs: ($2,167)• All teachers, coach, and Brain Booster technicians will receive a copy of the book. ($1,000)• Purchase Dreambox for students ($14,000)• Trained Dreambox interventionist for students falling well below to below benchmark. ($7,000) to work with students for tier two math intervention. • Hire 3 aides ($21,000) to support teachers with mat interventions. • Provide substitute teachers ($5,000) during the year after each benchmark. For teachers to process monitor students and adjust their lesson planning to make needed adjustments to Pathway to Progress to ensure student growth.

Math Total: $50,167


Supporting teachers with computation or fact fluency. School reviewed Reflex Math, which was formerly used by the district, but the software has not been approved for current use.

All agree to action plan for math TSSP.


Social Emotional Action Plan TSSP 2023-2024

Action Plan:

By Spring 2024, all teachers will teach the THRIVE life skill lessons once a week in their class.

• Counselor will teach two anti-bully lessons in September and October 2023 to all classes.• Counselor will teach one anti-bully strategy (Stop, Talk & Walk) by November 2023• All teachers will receive the THRIVE Life skill lessons from the district. These lessons will be taught once a week in class. All teachers will review the lessons once a month at their weekly team meeting and submit their progress to the principal. Time for these lessons is built into the master schedule.

Social emotional total: ($45,000) for ½ counselor pay.

All agree to action plan for social emotional.

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