Oak Hollow Elementary
School Community Council Meeting
4:15 – 5:00
Members present:
Julie Mootz
Becky Lind
Cher Tucker
Natalie Lane
Jason Vaughn
Jalaine Hawks
Secretary: Sandy Bodily
Thank you given to all members supporting Oak Hollow
Approved minutes of last meeting
Presentation on Digital Citizenship-Given by Shauna Jensen
- Explanation on what Digital Citizenship is.
- Discussed all things in place to keep kids safe while using internet.
- Shauna sends lessons to teachers once a month to present in classrooms.
- In Curriculum maps that teacher’s use.
- Brain Booster Technology teacher will teach one week focusing on Digital Citizenship and internet safety.
- All lessons will be geared towards age of students and grade.
- Digital Citizenship Information will be passed out to parents at Parent Teacher Conferences.
- In Clever, District will have other resources listed.
- White Ribbon Week in the spring – PTA will focus a whole week on internet safety and Digital Citizenship.
- Principal Mootz is flagged when a student is searching a blocked-out word. Student will be called down and parent notified.
- Teachers are also monitored by District for appropriate internet use.
- Teachers can pull up every student’s screen to see what the student is looking at and monitor what they are doing.
Safety Concerns for this year
Committee was asked to submit any safety concerns to be addressed this year.
- Hillside stairs up to Adobe Road – After all parents and buses are gone, any students remaining that have not been picked up yet, are unsupervised.
- Julie will put a plan in place for supervision in this spot.
Land Trust Funds
Using to show all growth typical & above
- Want to see growth from both high- and low-level students. Testing in September for benchmark and goal is to see each student’s individual growth by end of year.
- 5 Reading Interventionists
- 2 French Aides
- Computer programs – Myon, Dreambox , Brain Pop & 95% materials
- Sub for Teachers – Held one ½ day training for Building Leadership Team (BLT) focused on skill-based instruction.
- Sub for teachers – Data Days for teachers to set a pathway of progress for each of their students. A goal to see growth for each student individually by end of year.
- Teachers and Aides work together to work with students to meet this goal.
- Tracking for each student every week.
Safe Walking Plan
Keeping areas safer for in walkways, for bikers and scooters
- Traffic light was finally put in at Vestry and Highland. Kids now have a signal to walk across the street that is safer (Credit to our SCC for that!)
- Parking lot is a problem every year.
- Requests have been made to put another cross walk where ground cover is and walkway where bushes are. This is still not approved but we will keep trying.
A suggestion was made to bring more STEM into the school.
No comments on Friday Remote Learning Days.
Committee was asked to add more items to the agenda
If they feel something needs to be addressed or discussed.
Next meeting scheduled January 19th @ 4:15pm