884 E.14400 South, Draper, UT 84020

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French Dual Language Immersion School

November 8, 2019 – Minutes

Oak Hollow Elementary

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2019

Media Center



Members present:

Julie Mootz

Misty Larson

Allison Wilcox

Jodi Seamons

Elizabeth Ratliff

Andrea Pearce

Tami Owen

Sandra Bodily: Secretary


  1. Approved minutes from the last meeting
  2. Reviewed behavior data: We are seeing an increase in office referrals over the past three years. Each month has a steady increase in office referrals than the year and month before. There is discussion of why from parents and teachers. Parents are wondering where it is happening. Teachers say most of it is on the playground. Our data shows that we are seeing aggression on the playground. The committee would like the school to address this. Principal will meet with the BLT and discuss reteaching expectations on the playground. Use reinforcement for correct behavior. Principal will meet with playground aides to support here.
  3. Data on progress to our school goal.


Continue to use our reading interventionists and it is helping

Teachers say that Dreambox has helped in math.

Teachers say that DWSBA from the district is long and stresses out the students. We will take this to the BLT to problem solve

Committee is glad to see the focus on Science. Science is only tested in grades 4 & 5 on the end of year tests but all grades are teaching Science.


  1. Landtrust budget:

We are using the funds as stated in the plan. Reading interventionists started in September. Dreambox was purchased and in use. Principal has purchased materials to support teachers with Science.

No discussion and no questions from anyone

  1. Cell Tower:

We are using the funds as stated in the plan. Hired a lunchroom copy aide. Hired a second aide for recess to support behavior here.

Money is allocated for French program

No questions here, no discussion

  1. Digital Citizenship:

Shauna Jensen did a presentation with powerpoint for everyone on how the district protects the students at school while they are online.

Shauna shared the resources that she provides to the teachers, parents and students to be safe online.

Shauna shared the lessons that students will learn while in Brain Boosters about being safe online.

Parents appreciated this

  1. SNAP plan:

This is upcoming and there was some discussion. Parents would like a light at Vestry and Highland. Discussion on this of how dangerous the intersection is even with a crossing guard. If no light, the parents would like the students to be bus eligible who live on Vestry across Highland. Discussion about our parking lot and how small it is. Would like to see it redesigned. Discussion about other parents who are rude, and unsafe in the parking lot. Principal took notes to add to the plan. Parents and teachers will forward concerns to principal to add to the plan. Principal will send out a draft SNAP plan next month.


No other discussion.

Next meeting is January 24, 2020

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