Oak Hollow Elementary
School Community Council Meeting
4:15 – 5:30
Members present:
Julie Mootz
Becky Lind
Cher Tucker
Natalie Snow
Jalaine Hawkes
Natalie Lane
Trisha Bourne
Jason Vaughn
Secretary: Sandy Bodily
Introductions of committee members
Discussed: Purpose of School Community Council Committee
Each specific duty discussed
- Oversee Land Trust spending plan (budget 96,000)
- TSSP Budget (120,000)
- Cell Tower
- Digital Citizenship
- SNAP (Safety & Emergency Plan)
- PBIS – Emotionally and physically safe @ school
Discussed Goals for this year 2021-22
Land Trust
English Language Arts – Focus this year for Land Trust is: growth for all students
- Academics
- Record growth – Assessment to show it
- Looking at growth goal – Below or above benchmark or above grade level
- Acadiance Pathways of Progress – Monitored monthly and are then making growth.
- 7 aides hired – 5 interventionists, 1 French DI for 1st & 2nd, 1 DI for 4th & 5th grade
- MyOn – Digital Library Software – to use @ level of student or above benchmark
- Scholastic magazines (grades 3-5) Also building classroom libraries
- Dreambox Software (Math)
- Suggestion was made on purchasing more novels and chapter books for classrooms
- 95% program materials intervention program
- Professional Development subs for 2 half days for Building Leadership Team Meetings
- Building Leadership Team – Professional Development – subs for 2-half days.
Behavior and Social Skills
- Money used for emotional & social development
- District wide focus on Circles in classroom. (10-15 minutes)
- Following morning meetings, building relationships in classrooms
- Had a discussion on 2nd step but @ this time is cancelled following board rule
- .4 salary paid for Full Time counselor salary (Discussed Counselors rolls here
- Second Step materials purchased: but will be cancelled due to Board ruling at this time. (Discussion on what to replace this purchase with will follow)
- 2 MTSS Aides- Kindergarten & Dreambox to support student development
Cell Tower (Money from Verizon & Sprint)
Currently: 45,000.00
- Hired Lunch Room/Copy Room aide
- Replacing laptops & teacher’s chrome books where needed
- PBIS-Positive Behavior & Support-check in check out.
- Subs for DI Teachers. We provide an extra .5 days to prepare for Parent Teacher Conferences in the Spring
- Subs for Partner Teachers. 1st, 4th and 5th grade partner teacher’s split teaching, Math & Language Arts. Subs used for Parent Teacher Conferences in the Spring
- Social Committee: beginning of school breakfast & Lunch for teachers first week back, Christmas, end of year socials, Birthdays etc. for teachers. PTA dues for all teachers (We have no extra money to support teachers)
- Water & Ice Machine, monthly rental fees
- Teacher’s dues to join PTA
- Science materials
- Teacher incentives: Chocolate, candy, teachers monthly moral boosters
- Stipend for French team leads
- Dual Immersion Competition at UVU (4th & 5th grades) buses and registration
- SST – Student Support team stipend (5 members)
- French Choir Field Trip (cost for buses to go to This is the Place and perform during Christmas)
- Paying for extended time for a lunch worker so we can have only one grade level eating at a time in the Cafeteria. (Distancing purposes)
- Pay for DI teacher support for certifications and endorsements
Halloween parade will be outside this year – all feel Ok with this
Next meeting- Wednesday, November 17th
(It was suggested that we do a meeting every other month instead of 4 times a year. Aiming for January March & May)